
Monday, July 22, 2013

Monday Design: Geometric and Modern

I am normally not a fan of modern or geometric architecture. I like my buildings classic and curvy with a rustic touch. However, this Spanish home made by architect Daniel Isern pulls so much from nature and blends so easily into the surrounding areas that I can't help but admire. The structure itself looks like stacked wood blocks, but it's made entirely out of concrete.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

What I Wore: The Twiggy Edition

Nothing makes me less happy like an amazing vintage dress that almost fits. I mean, come on fashion gods! Do me a solid? This vintage 60s shift dress is the most adorable thing I've come across in a while and my boobs are just not cooperating. Frustration! 

Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday Design: The Makers

I love studio tours. Seeing how creative people have crafted the space that they work in give me odd amounts of joy. I think mostly because it give me the opportunity to dream up what my ideal work space will look like one day. That's why I was so happy to discover The Makers. I really can't believe in all my internet hunting I didn't discover this site before, but it's sole purpose is to showcase (beautifully) the work spaces of creative people! There is so much studio envy happening in me right now.