
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

What I Wore: The Galaxy Never Dies Edition

I can't give it up, you guys. No matter how hard I try, I just can't do it. The galaxy trend can never die! I will take it to the grave with me! Am I obsessed with galaxy print? Yes, obviously. But can you blame me, really? Space is just cool. Period.

Anyway, I got this party dress on Modcloth recently and I haven't worn it much because part of me thinks it's too young looking for me and another part just thinks it's too much. Now that the holiday season is creeping up on us, my goal is to turn it into a perfect party dress.
Galaxy Party Dress

Monday, November 18, 2013

Interior Design: A European Style, New York Castle

Holy opulence, Batman. This triplex in the meat packing district of New York is mind blowing. It's a picture of antique grandeur. The building was originally built in 1847 as a townhouse and converted into a general store in the late 1800s. From there it became a sausage factory until 1992, then a mother and daughter fell in love with the abandoned space and bought it to turn into their dream home. They tried to preserve the original, vintage elements wherever possible. Old floorboards were cleaned, treated, and reused and they even rubbed coloring into the re-done fireplace to make it look time-worn. And what a project of love, huh?

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What I Wore: The Lady in Red Edition

Let me tell you, there is nothing better for the confidence than a little rouge. I am dead serious about this. Feeling blah and don't want to put any effort into your outfit today? Throw on jeans, a sweater, and some red lipstick and you'll see. It really is that easy. I know the color on this 40s style vintage dress is one of the reasons it's totally an instant confidence booster!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Interior Design: Modern Luxury in Glass and Cement

As is evidenced by most of the interior design posts on this blog, I am not a big fan of modern or simple or clean. Generally, the more, the better. I just always seem to gravitate towards bay windows and decorative crown molding. I can't help it. It's a disease. This home in São Paulo, however, may have just converted me.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

What I Wore: The Date Night Edition

Ah, date night. Doesn't matter if it's a night out with someone new, someone old, or just the girls, it's an excuse to get dressed up and who doesn't like that? Now, as much as I love layering for fall, I always have a much harder time picking out clothes to wear out as the weather cools down. I don't know about you, but for me, you throw a jacket into the mix and I no longer have any clue what I'm doing. This makes going out at night mostly one big panic attack. SO, when I do find an outfit that works and I like, I wear the crap out of it. You too?

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Interior Design: Living in a Library

How is it November already? I think I blinked and missed all of summer this year. It's strange how much faster time flies the older you get. With every immaculately designed house I find, I think about the bits and pieces I'd like to incorporate into my own home one day and with every day that goes by, that becomes more of a reality. How weird is that? To think that one day I could own a living space that's not the size of a shoebox is crazy. 

Anyway, the point of all that babble was this home design. Ever since I was little and I saw my first high shelves with a rolling ladder, I decided that one day I was going to have the same thing in my house. Mostly because it reminded me of that magical library in Beauty in the Beast and that's what every little girl who reads wants to see (amirite?). The dream has not died for me and when I saw this home design it screamed my name.