
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

What I Wore: The Wishful Thinking Edition

If you build it, they will come, right? That's how the world works? Following that logic, if I build my spring wardrobe now, spring will come! Soon. Please, dear holy everything, make it soon. We had one week here in Chicago that felt kind of like spring, close enough anyway. So I tried to take advantage of it and pull out some spring gear. Today, it's back down to the tens. As in, we have a high of 10 degrees today. Woo hoo! I'm going to savor this photo shoot and think of better days. Anyway, this is the kickstart of my spring wardrobe! (I can't promise it won't be back to winter next week)

Friday, February 14, 2014

Photo Friday: Colorize Me

I love seeing old photos colorized, mainly because I don't understand the process. I never was a very good artist, so the idea of doing these by hand baffles me. Still, I love vintage photographs and seeing them in color just makes them seem so much more alive - like you could jump into them and across time like Doctor Who. This collection of vintage photographs is particularly interesting because it doesn't focus on a specific subject matter. The subject is people, yes, but people from across different ages, classes, races, and cultures. For a girl who can't get her head out of the past, it's really fun to see this kind of range of vintage photography!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

What I Wore: The Winter Brights Edition

It's snowing as I write this, so I feel confident in saying that winter is not going anywhere any time soon. And I am SICK of it! Winter has taken my closet hostage and I want my damn shoes back most of all! In Chicago, temps have not gotten above 30 degrees in a few weeks, with all of last week hovering around the 10s. As you can understand, that means snow boots and ALL OF THE LAYERS! That doesn't mean I haven't been trying, but it does mean that when I try it stays covered by sweaters and jackets. Even this shoot was challenging.

To break free from my back-to-black wardrobe, I wanted to start adding colors back to winter and knew this purse was the perfect fit! 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Bright and Cheerful Interior Style in a Small Space

What happens when a graphic designer and an animator combine? Adorableness, that's what. And a home full of fun, kitsch, and color. Matt and Mel's little home in Fairfax, Virginia is exactly where you would imagine an adorable hipster couple living. Don't you think?