
Monday, August 25, 2014

Home Design: Backyard Greenhouses

I'm not a green thumb. I'm not a black thumb either, but let's just say it's harder for me to keep plants alive than it is to kill them. That's mostly my fault, because I was never interested in hardening growing up. My mother loves to garden. She is almost always in our backyard with her gardening gloves, but it just never appealed to me. And, to be honest, it still doesn't completely. Having taken the time to grow a handful of plants this summer, I understand a little bit better now, but I still don't have the patience for it.

The one thing about gardening that I always did love, though, was the end result. Sitting in botanic gardens or greenhouses was always my favorite thing to do. I was always jealous of my parents' friends who had the lush gardens with stone pathways leading to a hidden seating areas - like a secret garden. I don't think anything makes the facade of a house more homey than a well-arranged flowerbed. So, ever since I was little, I thought the one thing I need to be happy in my home when I grow up, is a backyard big enough to build a greenhouse.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

What I Wore: The Vintage Office Wear Edition

There is something about this style of dress that always makes me think, "70s secretary". Why, I have no idea, but it does. Always. Maybe I watched too many episodes of Charlie's Angels growing up or maybe I'm just crazy. Either way, I love the style of this dress. Every time I find one, I have to pick it up. There are actually a couple more in a similar style hanging out in the Etsy store right now. I know that's really biased of me to do and I should stop, but I can't! I love the way this vintage cut looks on me, so I keep buying them - whether they fit me or not. It's a sickness. I have a buying sickness.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Interior Design: Country Livin'

I think I'm obsessed with Country Living magazine, which is hilarious because I used to make fun of my mom for buying it all the time. I would think "psh, who wants to live in the country anyway?" The answer is, apparently, a lot of people. But that's besides the point, Country Living isn't just about living in the country, like I so foolishly once thought. They have a massive collection of adorable cottages and farm-house style homes that anyone would be jealous of - this born and bred city girl included. Anyway, I bring this up because I feel like I've been sharing a lot of homes from there lately and I thought I needed to explain myself. So there you go. Now on to the good stuff.

This sprawling country retreat in Kentucky reminds me of country cottages in the south of France and if I can find a place to stay that reminds me of Provence without the 8 hour flight, I'm a happy girl.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Robin Williams: A Tribute

In full disclosure, I am not the type of person who gets overly invested in celebrities or even follows their careers. Normally, the death of a celebrity is part of my newsfeed and not much more. However, when I learned about the passing of Robin Williams, I can honestly tell you that I wanted to cry, right there on the train. Something about the passing of this man who, by all accounts, seemed so gentle and loving really bothered me.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Interior Design: Eclectic Design and Kitschy Details

There's a delicate balance between cluttered crap and eclectic design and I am definitely good at always crossing over to the crap side of it. When trying to decorate with kitschy or eclectic details, I always end up in the "more is more" camp, which can look cluttered and junky when not done right. And my spaces always look cluttered and junky. This space, on the other hand, has it totally figured out. The overall design is minimal, but the house as a whole incorporates all the fun details you'd want in a home. How do they do it?