
Monday, October 17, 2011

Welcome to Stranger Than Vintage

Welcome to my brand new blog! Since this is my very first post, I thought it would be beneficial for it to be a introduction one, so here goes!

Yes, the inspiration for this blog came from my Esty shop of the same name, but don't worry, I don't intend on the blog being all etsy all the time. I spend to much time on the internet for that. But I do run a vintage Etsy store because I  love everything vintage. When I think of vintage, I think of simpler and happier times. Although, I am well aware this is not necessarily true, it still makes me happy.

Here's a little glimpse into my shop:

I live in Chicago and that is where I find most of my merchandise. I'm also pretty awful at keeping the store up to date, so I'm hoping this blog will motivate me. 

My love of all things vintage stems from my love of fashion and interior design. Stay tuned if you love seeing photos of the runway and cool interiors and furniture. Yes, I look at this stuff in my free time. Or well, all the time. It makes me happy and if it makes you happy too then you must be just as big of a daydreamer. I hope to center my blog around all of these things because we all need to take a few minutes a day to smile. Here's a preview:

All things French. Especially southern French. I studied abroad in the south of France and now my life is a series of schemes on getting back there.
Rustic and sunny interiors;

Fashion photography and fun outfit ideas;

And, of course, any fun or interesting DIYs:

Oh, and last but not least, puppies!

I could do this forever, but I don't want to bore you. Keep me on your reading list to see more! Also, I'm still making my way around blogger, so please excuse any weird formatting for a while. Thanks!

Tell me, what inspires you?

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