
Friday, October 28, 2011

White with a Splash of Color

Now that we've finally finished paint every room in our apartment a different color with complimentary trim (and I mean color, not like cream and eggshell), I am obsessed with white rooms with splashes of color. Of course. Don't worry, this is more than normal for me. When we had white walls all I wanted to do was paint them. At least the next apartment we move into will be easy to deocrate, or, well, who knows what I'll want by then. My boyfriend would kill me if he knew that after all that work paint our tiny one bedroom (it took us about a month to finish it all, working on and off) all I want is pure white walls. Good thing he doesn't read this (hi babe!).

In the meantime, I've been oogling my favorite design site for white rooms. In reality, they would probably be too white for me, but I love the look of it.

via Desire to Inspire
  See? This is what I'm talking about. I love the way this looks, keeping everything pure and adding punches of color with interesting wall art and throw pillows, but would I be able to survive with a white couch? No way.

Of course, the more rustic the better. I'm a sucker for old wooden doors. This room would definitely be a getaway.

via micasa
THIS is a dream. The white and gret really tone down a pink that could sometimes be over bearing. Where can I get my hands on this pink rug? And that grey couch? And those pillows? You know, just wrap it up, I'll take it all.

via Donkey and the Carrot

via Country Living

via Desire to Inspire

I absolutely love the design in this bedroom. Why paint your walls when you can just install thick purple carpet? Genius. 

Anyway, that's all for today. What's your opinion of white rooms?


  1. no pics of your newly painted apartment? Pics or GTFO! Also I love that yellow room! And I had a similar experience after I painted my walls striped last summer. I kind of want those stripes gone.

  2. i want to see this freshly painted apt. too! i have the same thing though, i've been planning my new apt (next spring) for like 4 years gets to be obsession!

  3. Ugg god you guys! My arpartment is embarassingly messy. I guess I should thank you for motivating me to clean it. Pics to come.
