
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday - The Record Store Edition

For this week's outfit I decided to go for a more relaxed look or the "I wear this shopping on the weekends and to bars" look. Quick note: Yes, those are jeggings. Yes, I do realize no one wears them anymore, but guess what? They are comfortable and in some cases, like when it's chilly out and I'm wearing a longer top, they come in pretty handy. So deal with it.

Today's outfit post is special because it gives you (Kari) a glimpse inside my apartment. It was too cold and rainy to take pictures outside. Yes, those are all CDs I'm looking at. No, they are not all mine. My roommate (or boyfriend as some people would call him, but who likes labels right?) is somewhat of a music snob, so those minus about 10 belong to him. His record collection is also a slowly growing problem, but it makes for easy pickin's when I want to find something to listen to!

Anyway, back to the nagging questions, am I actually in a record store? No, but I would wear this to an actual record store.

As for the apartment, the walls are grey with yellow trim. Our apartment is a colorful mess. I spent the whole holiday weekend cleaning so I'll try to get some pictures oh the horribly design in my apartment before it becomes an organized mess once again.

Okay, enough jabber. On to the pictures!

 Tank  and shoes - Urban Outfitters
Shirt and leggings- H&M
Necklaces and watch - Presence in Andersonville

Until next time!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Vintage Etsy Shops Worth Adding to Your Favorites

When I first discovered Etsy I probably lost days of my life scouring different categories and adding things to my favorites. There was a sense of urgency when I first discovered Etsy. I kept thinking "I have to buy this now! There's only one. If I don't get it someone else will!" I have to admit I bought a couple unnecessary things because of the dumb nagging voice in my head and, mostly, I can't tell you what the things that I thought I needed at the time even were (thank goodness for shopping history).

I've calmed down with Etsy a bit since then and I no longer feel the need to buy just because it might disappear. Why? There's just too much good stuff out there to get caught up by one thing for too long. Considering my Etsy store sells vintage clothes and accessories, that has always been my focus when browsing through the different shops and there are a ton to choose from. I want to share with you some of my favorites today. They're what I aspire my little baby shop to be one day.

Midnight Flight is one of the first sellers I bought from and I love stopping in and checking out what they have. It's such an eclectic collection of vintage wears. You can find flashy and sequins and delicate and feminine. She also always seems to be updating her stock so it's good to check in frequently.

This Canadian seller has a collection that to me screams 80s Midwestern home-grown. I Wisconsin in the 80s and there's something strangely comforting about a little farm-girl style. (Check out her blog and adorable outfit posts too!)

What don't I love about this store? Sometimes the prices, but I understand why these pieces are so expensive. They are absolutely gorgeous. In all seriousness, if you're looking to get me a Christmas present, anything in my size from this seller will do. It is the essential 50s/Madmen-esque shop.

As for me, I'm slowly but surely working on it. It's hard enough to find time to blog, but I do love hunting down vintage finds. What's my favorite thing in the store right now? This yellow hounds tooth skirt from West Germany. Yes, that's right. West Germany. How cool is that? It even says it on the tag. It's a fraction too small, otherwise I was going to keep it for myself. It'd look so cute with a black cardigan and some pumps.

Long story short, great vintage finds have never been easier to...well, find.  Just wanted to share with you some of my favorite shops for doing so. I know there are a ton more. Which ones are your favorite?

Monday, November 28, 2011

Confessions of a Book Nerd - The Bookcase Design Edition

I'm going to start out with a little background before I jump into this post. I graduated a few years ago with a degree in English Literature and I love books. I practically collect them considering I never get around to reading most of them. Instead of trying to catch up on reading I continue to add to my collection, which is currently at somewhere around 400 probably. I tried counting one day out of curiosity, but lost interest. Before getting my current job, I seriously considered becoming a librarian for a little while since most of my friends call me one anyway (and I do think there is something interesting in the curriculum required), but the job market decided to be kind to me.

So now perhaps it makes a little more sense why I would immediately start drooling over a site called Ok, I wasn't actually drooling, but I did get far more excited than most normal people would. This post is dedicated to just that, bookcase design. Something I adore looking at because I'm always at a loss for space when it comes to storing my books (a problem almost as big as where to put my clothes in my apartment). So here's a little day dreaming about one day being organized enough that I can find my books by author (HA! who am I kidding? I'll never be that organized). And if bookcases aren't your thing, sorry. There are still some pretty pictures though!


Friday, November 25, 2011

Photo Friday

Happy Friday!

Unfortunately it's also Black Friday. Did you guys wake up and do the whole craziness to get all the best deals?

I have to admit we went to Target at midnight and I hated every last minute of it, but we got a new TV for the bedroom out of it and the second season of Madmen for $8. So, I guess it wasn't all bad. 

For today's photo Friday I picked something that's representative of how I feel after yesterday. I'd need some heavy machinery to move me off the couch after stuffing myself full of Tofurkey, stuffing, and potatoes. I hope your Thanksgiving was just as delicious!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday - The Under the Weather Edition

So I've been fighting this cold tooth and nail for over a week now and I finally think I'm starting to recover, but when I was taking these pictures for the outfit of the week post I was still pretty sickly. Naturally, I decided to do a comfy outfit. Nothing better than a big cozy sweater when your nose won't stop running right? Right.

Also, it's getting chilly out so we attempted to do a photo shoot in the hallway, which ended up being extremely difficult for coloring and lighting reasons. I don't plan on doing that one again. 

Sweater, skirt, and necklace (yes, I am a tool): Presence in Andersonville
Tights and shoes: Urban Outfitters

Anyway, here's hoping your holiday tomorrow is delicious and full of thanks!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Trend Forcasting - 3 Trends You Need to Be On Top Of

Working at a job that requires me to be online all day is sometimes both a blessing and a curse. Curse more often than not, but surfing through blogs all day can be beneficial in the sense that I can see what people are talking about. And, of course, add to my ever-growing wish list. Here's what I've picked up lately.


On everything from shoes to nails to make up the galaxy seems to be on everyone's mind and I have to say I'm loving it! Cosmic prints have been popping up on clothing for a while now, but lately I've been seeing it expand to everything. Cosmic nail art is also huge and if I painted my nails more often (or was any good at doing my nails) I'd jump on that band wagon too. Cosmic prints in fashion is something I'm constantly adding to my wish list, but sometimes it's hard to do a cosmic print without looking too wizzard-y. Cosmic print leggings are one way. I've had my eye on these galaxy print leggings for some time now.
via Black Milk

via AnotherMag

via Style of IA
Oh these shoes. I saw these cosmic wedges over the summer and have been drooling over then ever since. Too bad they're sold out because I would not even blink before ordering hand painted galaxy wedges.


Egyptian style, Egyptian inspired fashion, and Egyptian themed I have been spotting with my keen little eye all over the interwebs. Specifically in jewelry, I've been going ga ga over Egyptian inspired necklaces.

via Free People

via Lux Vivens Fashion

via Nail Stories UK

The 60s:

If the runways shows for the Spring ready-to-wear collections showed me anything it's that the obsession with the 70s is over and we've reverted to a 60s style that is completely classic with a touch of bohemian. A little more Mod and a little less Madmen.

via Lisa Eldridge Make Up


via NylonMag
So there it is, you know what I'll be strutting my stuff in come this Spring. A tip? No matter how "in" the 60s are, stay away from go-go boots. That's just something that needs to stay dead.

Until next time!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Real Estate Stalking - Vintage Chic in the City

So in my usual weekend real estate stalking adventures, I happened to stumble upon a really amazing design firm that happens to be located right here in Chicago! I love everything about Summer Thornton Design, she's got such a perfect blend of modern and vintage that makes her interiors both fun and classic. I would love my apartment to look like the interiors in the this vintage inspired Lincoln Park condo. The interior design elements combine a perfect balance of vintage-inspired and modern so that the overall look is clean and classic instead of cluttered like can happen with some vintage-inspired design.
all images via Summer Thornton Design

The colors and prints make it really fun and trendy, but the simplicity of the furniture adds such sophistication. If only I had the money to get her to come in and re-do my place ::sigh::

No? You don't see the romanticism in the design? Just me? Okay, yea I ogle the weirdest things. But seriously, this apartment really just made me want to re-design my apartment. 

Until next time!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Photo Friday

Alright, so I'm going to try something new that's somewhat personal  Fridays where I post a picture that I've taken at some point in my life. You see blog followers, I very much enjoy photography and a while ago I bought myself one of them fancy little cameras with lenses you can change out and such. So far, I've had lots of ideas for photo projects, but no motivation. So here goes nothin'. One photo from my files every Friday. Enjoy!

 I took this picture at the Shedd Aquarium over the summer. I love sea life and they were having a whole jellyfish exhibit which of course I couldn't resist!

Anyway, until next time!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday Obsession - Google Earth Carpet

What genius is this you ask? I had the same question when I stumbled across these Google Earth carpets on More Design Please (oh yea, follow it, it's fantastic). The aerial views of Earth create some amazing patterns and David Hanauer was brilliant enough to do something with it. This one if my favorite:

It looks like an ink blot and I love that. Wouldn't this Google Earth carpet be a great conversation piece for guests once they finally figured out what they were stepping on?

I love when lines are blurred and these rugs do enough of that to make me happy. Also, if you've ever wanted to be Godzilla as a kid, these carpets should be calling your name.

Until next time,