
Monday, November 28, 2011

Confessions of a Book Nerd - The Bookcase Design Edition

I'm going to start out with a little background before I jump into this post. I graduated a few years ago with a degree in English Literature and I love books. I practically collect them considering I never get around to reading most of them. Instead of trying to catch up on reading I continue to add to my collection, which is currently at somewhere around 400 probably. I tried counting one day out of curiosity, but lost interest. Before getting my current job, I seriously considered becoming a librarian for a little while since most of my friends call me one anyway (and I do think there is something interesting in the curriculum required), but the job market decided to be kind to me.

So now perhaps it makes a little more sense why I would immediately start drooling over a site called Ok, I wasn't actually drooling, but I did get far more excited than most normal people would. This post is dedicated to just that, bookcase design. Something I adore looking at because I'm always at a loss for space when it comes to storing my books (a problem almost as big as where to put my clothes in my apartment). So here's a little day dreaming about one day being organized enough that I can find my books by author (HA! who am I kidding? I'll never be that organized). And if bookcases aren't your thing, sorry. There are still some pretty pictures though!


This would be such a good way to display a book collection with a lot of cool covers, oh right and you'd need a lot of wall space. Small details.

This one is called "Book Worm" and looks like a maze. I want it and all of it's impracticality.
Any bookcase that involves me using a ladder is a win. Always.

And lastly, if you are ever curious as to what my dreams look like this is a pretty accurate picture....

That's all for me today. Hope you've recovered nicely from the long holiday weekend. I know I did.
Until next time!


  1. I kind of want to build a bookshelf like the first one or Bookworm! They're just so...interesting. If I walked into a friend's place and saw that, I'd just want to start reading and ignore my friend! Seriously, this could be a winter project, despite my lack of heavy tools and space to build.

  2. I have every faith in you Justin. Do it! If we lived anywhere near each other I would definitely come over and help you.
