
Monday, November 14, 2011

Inspiration Monday

It's Monday once again too quickly. My weekends never seem long enough and they always feel like one long day as opposed to two. I'm obviously getting jipped somewhere here. Mondays seem like the perfect time of the week to do an inspiration post, a day of the week where we all probably need a little bit of it. Today I'm looking for and loving teal. Yup, teal inspiration.

I love teal. It's kind of a problem. So of course I think it's perfect for every season and wear it all the time. It's also starting to infect my life. I'm hoping it's just a phase, but for now I'm enjoying it. It's just so easily combinable, even though for the most part my favorite combination is teal, purple, and pink. But there's something gorgeous about seeing a bright teal patina encasing old copper. I find teal to be an extremely soothing color and completely appropriate for a Monday. 

Phew, that's better. I think I can get on with the rest of my week now. By the way, sorry about the weird photo alignment. I'm still having issues figuring out how to align images in blogger. It's uterly frustrating. Tips anyone?

Now that you know my favorite color, what's your favorite color?

1 comment:

  1. love it all! so pretty,I painted my bedroom this color. the new layout looks great too!
