
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What I Wore Wednesday: Librarian Chic

Today's outfit post is actually part of a bigger post down the line. This is the vintage dress I wore to a fun project I finished this past weekend with another fashion blogger. Intrigued? Well you'll just have to keep checking back to see what it is!

In other news, Picnik, the free photo editing site I use is shutting down! I was so upset when I found out because it's what I use to do all of my photo editing. I now am on the hunt for a different photo editing site, but until Picnik is completely shut down all of its premium features are free to use! So with that in mind, please excuse any crazy photo effects in the coming weeks. I'm having fun paying around with it. :)

I love this dress. It's a vintage dress I found at one of my favorite stores, Rad Vintage, and it's warm and woven making perfect for winter. There is something about it that makes me see a little bit of Victorian influence in it (I think it's the high collar and poofy sleeves), so I went with it and though these lace up boots fit it well. Agree? Disagree? When editing the photos I also thought this is how I would dress if I worked in a library, thus the title. Since most of my friends always thought I'd end up working in a library, it's no surprise to find me in this librarian chic dress.

Dress: Vintage
Shoes: Urban Outfitters
Tights: Target
Necklace: Banana Republic

This owl necklace is the first thing m boyfriend bought for me when he started working at Banana Republic. He knows me too well. This was over a year ago and I still wear it about every other day. It's pretty cool huh?

Anyway, that's all I've got for today. I was really hoping my super secret project would be read by today, but I guess that just means I'll have to keep you guys updated ;)

Until next time!

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