
Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday Design: 8 Church Renovations

Would you ever live in a church? It's one of those questions that really depends on your beliefs. I've gone back and forth with myself on this topic. I'm not religious by any means, but there is something about living under the stained glass faces of saints that feels...creepy. Fortunately, my love of interior design and architecture always seems to overwhelm the creepy vibes I get.

I love church renovations. Ever since I realized at a not-so-young age that people could actually LIVE in old churches, I've been fascinated by the idea. Generally, I think that churches have an alluring interior design scheme all on their own, but throw in some homey accents and it's a whole different world.  I would love to have the chance to redesign a church because their layouts are so fantastic! Think about all the open space, high ceilings, and the winding hallways. I don't know if any of you have ever spent much time inside a church, but trust me, they're spacious.

The following is a little round-up of my favorite church reclamations. If you have any favorites please leave a link in the comments, I'd love to check them out!

via Desire to Inspire
This one is most my style  with the cement trim and rustic touches. Unfortunately there was no exterior picture for this church, but there are a lot more interior photos if you love this kind of design.


This old chapel maintains that old southern charm even with the renovation. The interior design elements are definitely classic and elegant - very appropriate for the exterior.


This church reclamation looks like it took no remodeling effort. I image a white paint job and some well placed furniture was all it took to make this space entirely livable.

The exteriors of this church home do not give away the completely modern design hidden inside. Chic and artistic, the open floor plan of the layout in this church are a perfect fit for the design.

via FreshHome
I love this one because the design shift was so subtle and simple. The architecture and layout of the church was already so perfect that it only took a few furniture installations and some regal armchairs to make this space feel like a mansion. Check out more photos in the link.

via FreshHome
This was done in an abandoned abbey outside of Paris. Another don't-judge-a-book-by-its-cover renovation that relies on clean, modern furniture and pops of color to make you forget the original purpose of the building.

via Desire to Inspire
All I have to say about this one is someone took a church and turned it into a medieval castle. Win.

Adorable. Keeping the brick walls and the classic church windows, but infusing the interior with sleek, modern furniture is a brilliant combination. This would make an incredibly chic office space.

Alright, I'm done gushing. If, I mean when, I become rich there are a few renovation spaces on my list of homes and churches are definitely one of them.

So what do you say? Would you ever live in a church?

P.S. Don't forget to keep up with me on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Tumblr! I'm everywhere.

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