
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tuesday Trendspotting: Dainty and Sweet Cameos

First off, Happy Valentine's Day! I swear I didn't plan this post to go with the holiday, but it totally does so go me.
In other news, we are in full swing of New York Fashion Week and even though I'm not there (like many of us are wishing we were right now), I've been reading enough articles, tweets, facebook status, and blog posts to feel like I'm sitting front row. Gotta love technology huh?

Anyway, it's easier and faster than ever to see the trends that are popping up all over the runway, making it about impossible to choose one thing to write today's trendspotting about. Everything for Fall/Winter 2012 looks amazing, but I'm shivering over here in Chicago wishing for days of sunshine. SO, I decided to focus on the season coming up and zero in on something that I will need to start stocking up on for this Spring: Cameos.

Cameos are part of that Victoria/Romantic trend the starts to come around about every other spring. Something about blooming flowers and twittering birdies (I mean the noises not social media birdies) is just such a natural transition to lace, pastels, and delicate details. Well guess what, this spring is the spring. Bust out your lace dresses and dainty lace-up heeled boots ladies! What? You don't have those in your closet? Well here's your excuse to get shopping! One thing I love about the Victorian trend making a comeback are the new take on cameo pieces because I've always been a big fan. Take a look at some favorites I found:

Cameo Love

I want to know! Dainty and Sweet: Love it or hate it?

Ok, now that I'm done with that, a couple side notes:

I scored the most amazing vintage Singer sewing machine over the weekend! The roommate (read boyfriend) and I dated it to 1917. I plugged it in and it will work with a good cleaning. The motor is running, the gears just need a good greasing. I want to make something with it when I get it up and running, just to say I did. Any ideas on what it should be?

Last thing, (geez when did I get so winded) the Refinery29 style blogger challenge is still going on! If you haven't submitted your vote yet, please do!

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