
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

What I Wore: The Mixing Eras Edition

Just a quickie today. This outfit post is one that's been sitting on my desktop for a few weeks now. I call it my "confused vintage" style. This happens to me all the time, because I love several conflicting eras in fashion. I started out with some very 50s high waisted shorts and then add a little lacy cardigan and threw on a cameo necklace. Before I realized it, I was mixing 50s style with victorian accents. Say what? I don't know if I love this outfit, but it was a really fun alternative to shorts and a tank on a very, very hot day.

So why would I post an outfit that I'm not totally in love with you ask? Great question! This blog is a learning experience for me. I love clothes, always have, always will, but I'm not perfect or an expert by any means. Sometimes I throw something together and think the outfit looks fantastic at first and then grow to hate it. Do you guys have that happen to you too? This outfit was fun, but there are a few things I'd change about it for next time. If I were to do a lace top with these shorts again I would want it to be closed and long enough to tuck into the high-waisted shorts. I would also probably add some more stand out accessories to give the outfit more pop. However, for spending the day running around at a Chicago street festival, this outfit was breezy and great!

I think critiquing your own style is one of the best ways to grow and develop it. Don't be mean to yourself, you did a great job! But maybe you noticed some things that could be done better next time? Great! It's called growing and I'm all about it! So anyway, enough jibber-jabber, here's the outfit!

Blue high waisted shorts - local boutique (similar
Lacy cardigan - Forever 21 (similar)
Basic black tank
Black and white heels - T.U.K. 

Mixing eras can definitely work when done the right way. However, I think it's a thin line to cross when coming up with outfits and I don't think I've perfected it quite yet. 

What do you think about mixing different vintage styles into one outfit?


  1. I love it, I'm not sure how I feel about the cardigan. Maybe no cardigan and some statement jewelry...something whimsical? And those high waisted shorts are available @ Mandee's.

    1. I like the ideas. I'll definitely give that a try next time. And thanks for looking out! I couldn't find these shorts online, but I guess I didn't look hard enough.
