
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Thursday Tutorials: Easy Summer DIYs

A little disclosure, I work for a little crafting site. I manage the social media for it as well as it's 13 other sister sites. Well working for a crafting site has its ups and its downs. The ups? I sometimes get some craft supplies for review and I've met lots of very cool wonderful people. The downs? I sometimes get some very cool craft supplies for review. Why is this a down you ask? I'll tell you why. It's because between work, the Etsy store (and the other smaller Etsy store), and this blog my time is very limited. And I realized at a meeting yesterday when we were asked what crafts we do at home that I'm less of a crafter and more of a craft supply hoarder. What do I make? Not a whole lot. What can I make? Everything!

So I've made a new mid-year resolution! Clean up my crafty crap! Now I've written some tutorials for this blog before, but I could write them way more often. Now, I'm actually going to try to (key word there is try, remember that).

Luckily, working in the craft industry I've come across a lot of cool tutorials and such. I've rounded some up for you (and me) today to get inspired and motivated! And most of all, to clear some space in my tiny, tiny apartment that is currently being overrun by fabric and yarn.

Easy Summer Tutorials

I've mentioned this before but some of you may not be familiar with my good friends over at CraftFoxes. I've written a couple articles for them and they did a little interview with me a while back, but besides being fun and awesome people, the site has a wonderful collection of tutorials.

I love this collection of 10 free swimwear sewing patterns because I'm not great at sewing. In fact, I'm kind of terrible at it, BUT I've always wanted to be able to sew my own swim suit. Doesn't it seem like it could, maybe, possibly, be easy? However, if I fail at making a swim suit, I could always make a pretty summer dress! They've got a collection for that too

My all-time favorite place to look for and collect inspiration right now? Pinterest of course. I have a whole board dedicated to making things, but do I ever? No. #notwinning

Here are some that I've jumped to the top of my list:

Milk carton vases! I'm currently redecorating the apartment since the roommate moved out and making it a little more girly. He refused to let me have fake flowers, but now that he's gone...fake flowers galore! And they're going to be sitting pretty in these super easy vases.

Seriously? These are freaking adorable and super easy. If I haven't made these macrame bracelets by the end of the month, will you all please yell at me? K thnx.

And last, but not least on my list-of-things-you-should-really-make-this-weekend is an adorable camera strap. This has been on my list for a while because I take a LOT of pictures. This tutorial for DIY custom camera straps is genius because it's easy and the turn out is super cute. Must. Do. 

Now I'm wondering, do you DIY?


  1. I too, have lots of craft supplies. I highly recommend these four-drawer plastic drawers from Office Depot.

    1. Oh I am familiar with those. If I didn't think they were super boring looking, my apartment would be full of them. There's a ton of little vintage shops in my neighborhood, I'm hoping to pick up something cute and cheap that I could maybe spray paint. We should totally have a craft day though!
