
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tuesday Trendspotting: House of Harlow and Winter Kate Fall 2012

Ok, that's it. It's August, the summer shorts and tank tops are being put on sale. You can now buy your bathing suits for next year for less than half the price. It's time to talk fall. I'm working on developing an idea of what I want my wardrobe to look like this year. I work in an office, a regular nine-to-five, but it's a really relaxed atmosphere so I don't really need lots of tailored tweed, but I do still need to look profesional. Somehow, magically, House of Harlow and Winter Kate have managed to put together a collection of fall looks that are fun, playful, and classy. I think I found my ideal wardrobe. via Fabsugar

I love the combinations of flowy and feminine prints with the harder edge of leather pants and velvet heels. Everything about this fall 2012 collection is rich and a little edgy while still maintaining the femininity of the outfits. It's a style you commonly would see in 60s and 70s groupies - rich fabrics, flowing style. I love how this Winter Kate and House of Harlow fall 2012 collection is an updated version of that vibe. It's like they robbed the set of Almost Famous and tweaked it to make the style more modern, but still were able to maintain that classic rock and roll feel. 

This dress, these earrings, that hair. I need it all.

This is my favorite dress of them all. The easy geometric print and the color scheme are easily pulled from the 60s. The cut is very sharp and sophisticated, but the print makes it youthful and fun. It would also make a great layering piece. I'm imagining some plum colored tights, a big fur vest, and some long layered necklaces. 

What I took away from this collection is that I'm still safe to pull out my fur vest from last year and I cans till rock the velvet skirt I made, but I need to add some leather and some fun bright prints to my collection. Easy enough right? Who wants to go shopping with me? Anyone?

Have you started planning your fall wardrobe yet? 


  1. Well, I'm a college student. And while having all of those pieces would be great, it's impracticable. I'm starting to make sure that the things I buy now will be suitable for college and winter life.

    Found you through IFB - just followed! Great blog~

    1. Ha! Oh I totally get that. I by no means can afford to own even one piece from this collection, but I do love the style. Generally when I find designer collections that I love I just use them as inspiration when shopping. There are knock-off style to be found everywhere! Gotta love cheap fashion.

      Glad you stopped by! :)
