
Monday, August 27, 2012

Monday Design: Dreamy Tree Houses

Don't hate me for saying it, but summer is coming to an end. Yup, it's inevitable, especially here in the the great Midwest. I've already even caught hints of orange in the leaves around some of the trees here. I have mixed emotions about this because fall quickly brings winter and I hate winter with all my being.  However, fall brings with it cozy sweaters, hot chocolate, and cool evenings watching movies under warm blankets - all things that I am a fan of.

For now, I'm feeling a little nostalgic about summer. It seems to go by faster and faster every year. Don't you remember summer really feeling three months long in grade school? You were sure you'd forget everything you learned the year before by the time you got back to school. Thinking about it also got me thinking about all those fun summer activities as a kid - camping, swimming, climbing trees. Maybe it was more of a tomboy thing, but I always wanted my own treehouse. Did you too? I could never convince my dad to build one for me though and I thought it was mean of him not to at the time. Now I realize that we never really had a tree that could support the weight of my scrawny 10 year old self, let alone a whole tree house. So today, to satisfy my childhood dream, I've pulled some of the coolest looking tree houses around. Enjoy!

Would you ever want to have a treehouse getaway?


  1. Wow some of these tree houses are crazy big. I would have liked to have a Simpsons' style treehouse, although a tad smaller than that. Kinda like the small roundish one on this page.

    1. Haha no I want a huge one! Because it would be my all the time house, not a getaway. :)
