
Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday Design: Living on LSD

This house holds a special place in my heart because it's right here in Chicago and I walk / drive/ ride by it frequently. And yes, you can too! It's very interesting looking from the outside. The exterior is entirely modern with clean lines, large windows, and protruding levels. The architecture is really something to take in, but it's also surrounded by greenery with a park right across the street. The modern facade is masked by large trees making this pretty imposing building something that you could easily pass by without a second glance. Luckily, I glance at all buildings.

I was walking around Lincoln Park with a friend when we passed by this house. I had seen it before and always thought it looked really interesting, but he got really excited because he's loved the house for a while too and had found these pictures of it online. Needless to say, I very excited to be able to glance inside the fabulously designed home.

Don't these enormous windows open up to a gorgeous view? Can you believe this building is in the heart of the city?

I thought these stairs were the coolest thing. Apparently it's a really common design for modern homes with narrow halls. I think it might be hard to get used to walking on them though, don't you?

What do you say? Too modern or too awesome?

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