
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Happy Blog-o-versary + a Giveaway!

Giveaway closed: Winner announced at the bottom. Thank you to everyone who entered and keep your eyes peeled for another giveaway soon! 

Oh how time flies. It's crazy to think that I've been writing on this little thing for a year now. I honestly thought that it would be a passing fancy and I'd give up on it after a few months, but once you sink your teeth into a blog it's really hard to give it up after all the work that goes into it. So here I am! One year later and still fumbling around trying to figure out what this blog is all about. I'm so thankful for all of you that have been stopping in and reading posts and making comments! You've been keeping my love of blogging going and I hope that in the past year I've brought you all some entertainment.

To thank you all for sticking along with all my shenanigans I wanted to do a tiny blog giveaway.

Here's the deal: One happy reader will win one item of their choice from either the Stranger Than Vintage shop on Etsy or my handmade jewelry shop Nowhere and Everywhere!

All you have to do is answer the question at the bottom in the comments section. For extra entries, check out the rafflecopter app below. You can tweet your way to a win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Contest runs 10/15/12 to 11/4/12. Winner will be contacted via email and announced on the blog on 11/5/12. 

So here goes!

Do you prefer shopping second-hand or buying new?

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