
Friday, November 30, 2012

Photo Friday: Wrap Me Up

It's getting chilly out there. Although we enjoyed a balmy Thanksgiving here in Chicago, I can feel a turn coming. It just makes me think that I need to buy more sweaters and more big jackets. How else do you survive the freezing Chicago winds, right? I love this fashion editorial from the November 2012 UK Harper's Bazaar, it makes me think about just that. All those long warm coats and chunky sweaters. This fashion spread knows what's coming. Good thing I just picked up a couple new coasts from ASOS. We'll see if I'll be as warm as this model looks.

This coat is perfect. I love the rich color and the length. Too many coats are black or grey making everyone and everything seem so drab in the winter.

Even though I can't see all of it, I love this coat. Too bad not having a hood isn't really an option in this city.

Are you ready for winter yet?


  1. Oh, this post makes me want to go shopping for chunky sweaters and coats!
    I hope I have enough when the true cold weather comes in :)

    1. Right? Me too! Chicago winters are so difficult.
