
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What I Wore: The Long Skirts Edition

So I have to apologize, mostly to myself but some to anyone who's noticed. I've been in a blogging slump these last few months and I just haven't been able to shake off these blogging blues (cue the acoustic guitar and raspy voice). I've been ignoring my Etsy stores too even though I have been collecting cute vintage clothes and making jewelry again. Still, I somehow could not get myself motivated. But now that warm weather is here and the trees have finally started to bloom, I feel refreshed! 

So here's to getting my lazy butt back in gear and not being a disappointment of a blogger anymore! 

As a first step, I updated the Etsy shop! Okay, I won't lie to you. I added two new items. But after a hiatus of months, this is a big step for me. One of the items in the shop right now is this skirt in today's outfit post!

Now I actually love this skirt and it was mine for a while when I was really into my big, full skirts phase two years ago. Since then, it's been collecting dust so I thought it was time to give it a new home. It was definitely handmade with love a long time ago, and is in great condition.
I thought about keeping it and hemming it, but that would take away from what I loved about it when I first found it - the length. And just because I'm not wearing that many midi skirts nowadays, doesn't mean you can't!

A note on long skirts: people always say to me, "You're lucky you're tall because you can wear long skirts and not look dumpy." Well, that's not totally true. Certain long skirts look dumpy on me too. The trick is finding that sweet spot for your body type and working it. I'm pretty bottom heavy, so in reality midi skirts don't suit me that well either if I'm not wearing heels. But if I can show off a little more leg (ooo-la-la), then it works much better. And I am all for everyone wearing maxi dresses and skirts. I think they just look beautiful whether you're short or tall! But if you are short, I might have to do a tutorial on some easy hemming techniques. No one likes stepping on their own dress, I get that.

Because the pattern in the skirt is so repetitive and tiny, I tried to keep the rest of the outfit very simple so that it wouldn't be too much on the eye. I did, however, stick with bright colors because (duh!) it's spring!

(FOR YI, this is me having fun. By myself. In a forest preserve. Everyone that drove near me quickly drove away. I am NOT ashamed! [Okay, yea. It was a little embarrassing]).

I'm also bringing back this puppy dog belt because I forgot I owned it and it's just adorable. I mean come on! They're kissing. What? Too cute.

Has the weather put a fresh spring into your step too? (Pun totally intended because I'm a huge cheese ball!)

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