
Monday, July 14, 2014

Interior Design: Industrial Work Space with Soft Touches

I love creative work spaces, especially if you work in the creative field. I don't think any type of artistic person can work at their best capacity in little grey cubicles with fluorescent lighting. Maybe that's just me, or maybe it stems from the highly visual world we live in, but it's obvious that modern offices are striving to attain style, not just function.

Let's face it, in today's fast-paced world, we all basically live in our offices. Even if you're not putting in any overtime, it sometimes feels like you spend more time at your desk than anywhere else. If you're spending so much time in one place, it's only naturally that you would want it to be visually appealing and tranquil. This office space for Bitium manages to do just that. It obviously has sectioned off areas for desks and a conference room, but each room flow into each other and the industrial elements are combined with soft touches to make the entire space feel more homey.

This work space tour is so great and give me immediate office space jealousy.  Not only because the people who get to work here are extremely lucky, but also because this space combines everything I love — industrial with natural, rustic elements.
I love how the natural wood, plants, and organic prints were incorporated throughout the office to soften up the unique industrial look of the space itself. Although, I love the industrial elements for offices and gyms, sometimes it can be a little overwhelming. Then you're not working in a super sweet office, you're working in a factory. No one wants that when you're staring at a computer screen for 8 hours on end.

Just look how cozy this meeting space is. I could definitely sit here and plan the future of the company for hours.

The conference room design is minimal, probably to avoid distractions. I know I quickly loose interest in meetings, so it would be a good thing that there aren't a lot of pretty things to look at.

For a creative, up-and-coming tech company, this is exactly what I would imagine as far as work spaces are concerned.

How does this compare to your office/work space?

Check out the full office tour on Apartment Therapy

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