
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

What I Wore: The Missing Paris Edition

As much as I wish that this post was set in Paris, I completely forgot my camera remote when I went on vacation, so I wasn't able to grab any outfit photos for the blog on the streets of Paris (my life is ruined). I'll just have to settle for a dress from Paris on my regular old back porch in Chicago. I think even if I had brought my remote, I would have been too nervous to take pictures of myself on the busy streets of Paris. Oh, well.

Outfit Details:
Printed Sweater Dress - Kookai (But I found a similar sweater dress here and this one is pretty too)
T-strap Heels - Urban Outfitters
Gold Chain - Thrifted
Purse - Local Boutique

Sweater dresses are something that I struggle with. I love them, but they hate me. It's really unfair. I constantly find cute ones, but then end up feeling bulky in them. That's why I was thrilled when I found this dress. I actually almost didn't even try it on because I was sure it would look dumb once I put it on. To my surprise, it worked! I found it in this French store called Kookai and unfortunately for me and the world, they're only in France. Which is a total bummer but also kind of ok, because it is a little on the pricy side and I would spend all my money there. All of it. 

Anyway, finding this perfect sweater dress made me realize a few things about sweater dress shopping:
1. Not all sweater dresses were made evil.
2. If I want it to look good, it's got to be right for my body type.
3. I need to stick to thinner knits and flowier shapes.
4. Always, always try it on. You never know what will happen.
5. If I own a dress in that shape already, it will probably work as a sweater dress as long as the knit it thin.

So now I'm all sweatered up and ready for fall!

Do you struggle with sweater dresses too? What are your tips?

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