
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What I Wore: The Winter Has Arrived Edition

Yep. This is not a false alarm. It's here people. Winter has arrived already and it freaking sucks, already. Can you believe it? Well, actually if you're a born and bread midwesterner like myself, then yes. You can believe it and you think it's silly that I'm even talking about it, but I'll talk about what I damn well please and I hate the cold, dammit! 

Anyway, the point of this post isn't to bitch about the cold, it's to bitch about dressing for the cold. Does anyone else go into a panic when the temp drops below 40? It's like I forget how this works and start putting together some really odd combinations. Anything to stay warm, you know? One thing that is definitely essential is a good winter coat. If you can find one that's cute on top of good, you better buy 10 of them. After several years of attempting to look fashionable in the cold, I just gave up and decided that I need a large collection of warm coats and I'm always on the lookout for a good buy. When it's 20 degrees outside, your best bet at fashion is 2 chunky sweaters, a cute coat, a colorful scarf, and a big hat...under your hood, of course.

Of course, today's outfit isn't a typical winter outfit for me. Rule number 1 of dealing with snow in Chicago: no heels. Rule number 2? ALL THE LAYERS! But, it was a warm day considering, so chunky sweater and coat it was. Ah, the days when the weather was still in the 40s. I remember those. 

 Outfit Details:
Aztec Sweater - Urban Outfitters years ago
High Waisted Jeans - American Apparel
Chunky Platform Heels - Urban Outfitters also years ago
This vintage winter coat is probably my favorite in the shop right now, because it's very structured while at the same time having a lot of flow. It reminds me of a men's suit coat and I love mixing in that mens wear even in the winter. The snap buttons on it are definitely a plus because they make getting in and out of it super easy, which is an asset when you're also putting on or taking off 15 other articles of clothing.

(In this picture, I'm showcasing that coats can be functional and fun! Or, I'm trying not to fall over. Take from it what you will.)

Do you have any tips for dressing for winter?

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