
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Dreaming of Sunny Saturdays

It's Saturday and it's cold here in Chicago, so I've posted up here in bed and am day dreaming. Not sure I could have come up with a better way to spend a Saturday morning.

As you'll notice, I daydream about interior design. So sue me. This morning I've been revisiting some of my favorite rustic interiors.

Here are glimpses of some of my favorite spaces that I've found on the interwebs (yes, this is a photo post hope you don't mind):

via Desire to Inspire

via Isabel Lopez-Quesada

via cinda b

via Shelterness

It may be a little obvious, but I love rustic French interiors. I literally will swoon (yes, I am that dorky). Yet, at the same time there is something so crisp and clean about modern Swedish design (that also makes me swoon).

Anyway, here's hoping your Saturday morning is just as swoon worthy.

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