
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday

So as this was my first "photo shoot", I know it's not that great, but I hope you enjoy the pictures anyway! Remember, I'm no model, but I thought my boyfriend and I got some fun shots out of it. I tried to take advantage of the few last warm days and did it outside. There probably won't be very many more of these, and yes, I am on a roof.

I am currently obsessed with colored denim and these jeans are one of my favorite pairs. They just add that perfect pop of color to help you stand out, because who likes blending in right? Pink jeans may be a little too much for late Fall so I'm going to get them in a few more times and retire them until the Spring.

This is a necklace I made for my birthday last year and I've been wearing it all the time since. It ended up being such a great addition to my collection. Tutorial to come.

Uhhh, yes. These shoes screamed my name when I first saw them. This will not be the last time you see leopard print on this blog. 

Thanks for stopping by! This last one's more for Chicago folks. Yup, that's Andersonville! 

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