
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ready for Gift-Getting Season?

It's that time of year! Gift-giving season and gift-getting season! Who else is excited? In the spirit of the season and mostly because shopping for other people always just makes me want to shop for myself, I thought I'd collect my wishlist into a handy dandy little blog post. Some of these are realistic, but most of them aren't (I mean it's me talking here, most things I talk about are a daydream). Anyway, get ready for The Ultimate Maggie Gift Guide 2011.

Anything from Art of the Moment that has an owl or wolf on it. This etsy seller is amazing! All of these pieces are fused glass and she gets the most amazing details in every piece. Definitely worth checking out even if you're not buying me a present ;)

A vintage typewriter to help me fulfill my dreams of becoming a reclusive, drunken hermit. Preferable in the light pink or teal persuasion.

I love this Fossil watch or any big boyfriend watch in a dainty color will do too, thank you. (Confused? Here you go.)

A sewing machine table. Once upon a time I had an awesome vintage sewing machine (see photo,  awesome right?), long story short, I don't ave it anymore. I now have a new sewing machine that's wonderful as well, unfortunately, it didn't come with a table like my old machine did which makes it a little hard to use considering there is all of zero table space in my tiny apartment. I would love to get the same table back, but at this point any old table with possibly a couple drawers (I know, I dream big) would be fabulous.

These leggings from Make it Good PDX to fit with my current galaxy obsession. Oh, did I mention that they GLOW IN THE DARK?! No? Well, now you understand why I need them.

Because, let's face it, I'm a hipster and I love taking pictures. The Diana + actually isn't all the expensive, I don't really have a reason for not buying one for myeslf yet.

A flash for my Nikon and a flash diffuser. See reason above.

A gorgeous handcrafted leather notebook. I'm just going to go ahead and pretend that I would actually have the time to write in it and throw it on the list.

And finally, what I would love more than anything would be more time to do the things I want and to clear off my to-do list a little. But I have a feeling that's on everyone's wishlist.

Well, now that I've sufficiently bored you with my wishlist I'll call it a day. Have you started creating your wishlist yet?

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