
Monday, December 5, 2011

Who Knew? Vintage Suitcases Make Fabulous Furniture

I stumbled across these in my usual internet wanderings and I had to share. I have this strange love of vintage suitcases. I just love the allure of travel and vintage suitcases always romanticize an idea of travel and world exploration in my mind that escapes me today. I actually picked up two vintage suitcases a little while back that I love. One of them looks very old, I just wish I could put a date on it.

So, you have to imagine my excitement when I realized that Restoration Hardware combined two of my favorite things: vintage suitcases and furniture design (what can I say, I'm a woman of simple interests). How cool is this idea though?

I love the look of all the trunks they have for sale, but how awesome is this trunk desk? There's something about it that just screams WWII era design and makes me want to put on my most 40s looking outfit just to sit behind it.

Well you already know how I feel about bookcases, so this one is a given. It would go with none of my other furniture or the current color scheme, but I want it!

A dresser that looks like a compilation of vintage suitcases? Yes, please.

And for the win...

Yup, that's right folks. A workspace that rolls and folds into a GIANT suitcase. People really are very clever. Just imagine having guests over. "Is that a giant suitcase?" "Yes, but it's also my workspace." Mind. Blown.

On a more practical note, for a small apartment any kind of collapsible furniture is ideal. I'd love to have a place to keep all my notes and etsy packaging and be able to sit and write. Once I was done working I would just fold it away and leave the giant suitcase in the corner. (If my roommate reads this, he'll probably be rolling his eyes at this point).

Alright, I'm done gushing. That's about all I have for today anyway. Does anyone else think this is cool for just me?

Until next time!

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  1. Gosh, I really LOVE all the pictures...I'm a fanatic of vintage trunks also. Well, so HAPPY to have a Vintage Trunk-natic friend :)

    Oh, and I'm marathon reading your blog ;)

    1. Haha well welcome! I feel like there are a lot of us out there, but really how amazing is this furniture?

  2. Add me to the list haha...gotta get that workspace trunk. I like your writing style, witty and fun. All the best to you :o).
