
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

What I Wore Wednesday: New Year's Eve Edition

So this isn't exactly the outfit I want to wear on New Year's Eve. Today's outfit post is my back up plan. I ordered a dress to wear online, but, due to a mistaken shipment, I'm still waiting on it. I figured in the case that it doesn't fit or looks really bad on, I needed a back up. So what's more festive that sequin gold shorts?

I saw them. I loved them. I needed them. The sequin gold shorts were an impulse buy and I regret nothing! Even though I have yet to wear them out. I guess that just means I need to go out dancing more ;). 

Tank: Victoria Secret
Gold Sequin Shorts: Akira
Tights: David and Co
Grey Heels: H&M
Blazer and Oversized Clutch: Urban Outfitters
Necklace: Local Boutique

This clutch was a Christmas gift from the roommate (read: boyfriend). It's actually a laptop case, but I'm going to use it as both because I think it looks cool as a clutch.

So there you have it, my plan B outfit. Curious what the dress I ordered looks like? I wrote about it earlier. It's the last dress in this blog post. If it makes it in on time I'll try to get pictures of that outfit up too.

New year's eve is this weekend, have you picked out your outfit yet?


  1. love this! i'll take you and your sequin shorts dancing!! can't wait to show new my newest leopard acquisition!

  2. Uh that sounds like an awesome evening. Can't wait!
