
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What I Wore Wednesday: The Vintage Cars Edition

Today I want to talk to you a little bit about an amazing little place called Crossroads Trading Co. Unfortunately, they don't exist everywhere but you might have a store similar to this around where you live. This store is amazing for two reasons: 1.) you can sell your gently used clothes for cash or store credit. 2.) they sell recently in-style and evergreen pieces for super cheap. So, as I'm sure you can probably guess at this point, I went there recently to sell some Spring and Summer pieces that I knew I wouldn't be wearing anymore (this is always a hard thing for me to do, I don't like parting with clothes) and I picked up this awesome vintage car print dress with my store credit. So I basically traded some clothes I didn't want anymore for a brand new dress and a cropped jean jacket! Win? I think so.

This dress was calling to me because of the vintage car print. I love picking up pieces with interesting prints that you don't see very often. Or maybe I just like prints? I am definitely guilty of owning multiple pairs of leopard print pants. Don't judge me! OK maybe I deserve a disapproving look or two...

Dress by Cotton Candy, similar shoes (they're the same ones from this outfit post), vintage belt.
I know it was the vintage car print on this dress that really sucked me in. The cut of this dress is the same cut I buy in most dresses, because I think it suits me well so it's not like I don't already have something like this in my closet. But I don't have anything with vintage car prints! So I had to have it. Although the colors in the dress do make me feel like it's better for fall, but I'm going to make it work damn it!

What prints do you love buying?

P.s. I wrote an article for on getting vintage Madmen style. Check it out!