
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What I Wore Wednesday: The College Days Edition

The GRE's are over!! Woo hoo! For those of you that haven't been following along, I've been kind of an absent blogger lately because I've been studying my butt off to take the GRE's (the standardized test you need to take to apply to most grad school programs) and I took them last Saturday so I'm free!! I actually did as well as I thought I would, which is to say I was hoping I would do better so I may end up re-taking them in a few months, but for now I'm going to try and get back blogging and posting items to the vintage shop.

However, studying like crazy to prepare for a test did make me miss my college days. Everything was just so much simpler back then. Being an adult is rough some times. I know going back to grad school definitely won't make anything simple, but I would be excited to get back to school. I'm the big loser that enjoyed my college classes and the campus in the fall. Anyway, this outfit was what I wore on my big study day right before the test. I took the day off of work and studied all day long. I really felt like I was back in college then.

Anyway, this floral strapless dress is the first dress I ever made on my sewing machine. I know I didn't take an photos showing that it's strapless, but that's because it's got some construction issues. Sewing lesson number 1: don't use elastic from a halloween costume from when you were in high school. As long as I have a sweater or something over it, it looks great! Oh and sewing lesson number 2: make sure you know how you're going to get into your dress before you sew it together. Let me just say that wiggling into a dress is never fun. I decided to not use a pattern when making this, I just used a different strapless dress as a template and then sewed the pieces together. I really need to get over this whole "I don't need to read directions" thing when it comes to crafting. But even with all it's little faults, I still love my handmade floral strapless dress! Mostly because it feel good to say I made something.

 Strapless floral dress: handmade
Chambray shirt: Gap (similar shirt)
Backpack: Urban Outfitters (similar bag)
Western boots: Steve Madden (similar boots)

 Of course I threw this chambray shirt over it, which you can also see here and here. It's one of my favorite pieces in my closet right now.

Do you ever miss school or are you still in school and can't ever imagine missing it?

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