
Friday, June 29, 2012

Photo Friday: Summer Heat Waves and Underwater Fun

Oh boy, it's in the hundreds today and guess what friends? My car does not have air conditioning. Yup. It's pretty, pretty miserable especially since I commute about an hour (if I'm lucky) in the car each way to work every day. Somehow, I did it last year, but I don't think I'm going to make it through this year.

In the meantime, I'm daydreaming of cool pools and breezy summer evenings. This photography series from Jill Greenburg captures just that. I love how you can see the lighting through the glass ceiling of the water and it looks like a beautiful purple summer sunset. There's also something about these photos that feels very vintage, but I'm not sure what. Maybe I just keep thinking of those vintage photos of girls in bathing caps on synchronized swimming teams. Either way, they're pretty gorgeous and make me want to just into a pool right away, heels on and all.

Side note: I had to try out Google+ hang outs for work last week. I discovered that their facial recognition software is amazing! This beard never left my face.

Have a great weekend!


  1. You really should buy an air conditioning, it must be hard for u :/ I really like the pictures :D

    Haha the last picture is funny! XD

    xx ♥

    1. Oh my gosh, I know. I've been trying to get the air fixed for a while now with no luck.
