
Monday, July 2, 2012

Monday Design: A Mediterranean Getaway

I guess I'm secretly dreaming about living by the Mediterranean with all this heat because this makes the third post in a row about gorgeous homes in sunny Mediterranean climates (the other two are here and here). But can you blame me? If I'm going to have to be dealing with intense heat, I'd at least rather be dealing with dry heat in insanely gorgeous locations. Well, who wouldn't right? Anyway, this little getaway is another Italian retreat surrounded by mountains, the sea, and nothing but breathtaking views. Forget taking a vacation here, can I just live in this fantastically designed home forever?

What struck me most about the Monaci Delle Terre Nere is how they combined the design elements to keep the interior of the home completely try to that rustic Mediterranean style, yet updated it at the same time to make it feel entirely fresh, modern, and luxurious. The incorporation or sleek modern furniture and the addition of glass walls really makes the home feel expensive. Leaving the walls bare and rough keeps the history of the building and adds a touch of that Mediterranean charm. Perfect for anyone looking to experience that charm without sacrificing even the slightest luxuries. Now I don't mind sacrificing some luxuries to live near the Mediterranean, but this place is definitely a dream.

So tell me, if you had all the money in the world, where would you take your dream vacation?

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