
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What I Wore Wednesday: The Happy Birthday Edition!

You guessed it! My birthday is coming up this weekend and this outfit post is all about what I'm going to wear to the extravaganza! I'm super excited about it and I hope it'll be a fun night. Most of my friends and I work completely opposite hours so I don't get to see them too much - should be a good time! Anyway, I also invited a lot of my co-workers out to come and party it up with me, so I didn't really want to go out skanking it up (like I normally do ;), but I wanted something light and fun since it'll probably be 90 degrees on Saturday. When I saw this dress on Ruche I knew it could be perfect so I scooped it up!

Now I'm a shop-online-aholic and I knew that there was a possibility this dress was going to look terrible once I got it in. Luckily that did not happen! I love it! It's got coverage, but is just a touch see-through to give a little something sexy. Perfect for a birthday dinner and drinks! This was actually the first time that I had ever ordered from Ruche, but I was very happy with their service. They're on top of it on Twitter and I actually say this dress as a part of a lookbook and couldn't find it on the site right away. I asked them on Twitter and they got right back to me! How's that for customer service? (Yes, I'm addicted to Twitter, let's be friends.) Also, scroll to the bottom of this post for a super special birthday surprise for YOU!

Dress - Ruche
Belt - Urban Outfitters forever ago

When shopping around for a birthday dress, I also picked up a new bathing suit and this kooky/creepy eyeball ring from TopShop. I've been getting mixed reviews, but I think it's hilariously awesome. Thoughts?

Apparently I only like wearing these shoes with long black dresses, as you can see in the last outfit post I wore them in.
Super special thanks to my friend Kat who was the best fashion photographer I have had so far!

In honor of turning 24, I want to celebrate with you guys! So stop by my Etsy shop for 30% OFF your order with code HAPPYBDAY. Sweet huh? 

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