
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

What I Wore Wednesday: The Leopard Love Edition

So I may be a tiny, itty-bitty bit leopard print obsessed. Just a touch. I mean I only own two pairs of leopard print pants and 4 pairs of leopard print shoes. Only. That's not bad right? I am not ashamed! I firmly maintain that there is nothing wrong with a little bit of leopard every outfit. No, just kidding. But seriously folks, a little bit of leopard print can change an outfit from boring to a little bit funky, a little bit rock and roll, which is why I think I have always beed so obsessed. Thinking I was so cool and punk rock in high school may have had something to do with it in the beginning too, maybe.

Anyway, when leopard print was coming back in a big way last year, I couldn't be happier and I decided that I absolutely, 100 percent NEEDED a pair of leopard print pants. Where did I go before you could find a pair in every hipster-centric store on the planet? The thrift store of course! I new I could find a workable pair of leopard print pants and then get them adjusted, which is exactly how I got these. This is year two of the leopard print pant for me and do I get funny looks walking down the street? Not as much as I used to. Do I care? Of course not! I look good. (If you're going to be wearing anything that's kinda crazy and verging on tacky, you really have to own it. Really.) Unfortunately, (or maybe very fortunately?) they seem a little big on me this year and I think I'm going to have to take them in a bit again. This means I'm not entirely happy with the following outfit shoot, but I like the outfit in general so I hope you guys do too!

 Leopard Print Pants - thrifted, but these and these are similar
Plain White Button Down - Urban Outfitters
Black Tennis Platforms - Urban Outfitters from a few years ago (also in this post)

This last one is me being bored and playing with the photo editing tools I have available. I thought it looked kind of cool so I'm tossing it up here to laugh at when I look back on this blog years from now.

What's your take on leopard print? Love it or too tacky to leave the house?

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