
Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday Design: Rustic Mill in Southern France

Will I ever get tired of these rustic homes in Southern France? I think not. This one is a 15th century  mill house converted into a million dollar modern property. Yea, it's pricey. As much as I love real estate stalking, it is also kind of heart breaking sometimes. Anyway, back to oogling this gorgeous villa. The rich warm color scheme and heavily ornate wall paper throughout the house are the perfect design touches for this rustic abode. And would you believe you can rent this lovely villa in Southern France for only $15,700 to $31,400 per week (insert heart breaking eye-roll here).

Ever piece of the design in this home is meant to feel rich, luxurious, and antique. The masterfully finished paint effects give the walls a feel of rustic age, yet even in the photographs you can see that the rooms are expertly designed. The pool is exceptionally lovely and enclosed by walls covered in greenery. The perfect place to lounge around and relax.

Keeping the stone walls and floors will keep the rooms cool in that hot southern climate and it adds a aesthetic touch known to the South of France - making any stay in this villa even more authentic.

I love the details on the bath tub. The painted bathtub adds another blending touch by reducing the about of stark white porcelain that would be showing in an otherwise neutral toned bathroom.

If you could, how many weekends would you waste away at this villa?

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