
Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday Design: A Midwestern Dream

I grew up a construction worker's daughter in Chicago so I've seen the insides of a lot of gorgeous home in the city and the surrounding suburbs. A LOT. When I saw this Highland Park home I realized it is a Midwesterners dream! It's right on the lake, has an indoor pool, and lots and lots of light. Now from my experience with nice family homes in this area, this is pretty classic as far a layout and design details go. However, I was surprised to learn that it used to be an Army base on Lake Michigan and was converted by the owners. It's such a gorgeous facade now, but I bet that they didn't have to do much work on the outside. via WSJ

Now I talk about gorgeous and outrageously priced homes all the time (this one is not exception at a cool 3.5 mil), but the style of this home is most realistically what I imagine myself ending up in. Especially if I decide to buy a home in Chicago. Obviously not this one here or anything similar to this size since I don't think I'll ever be able to save 3.5 million, BUT midwestern homes have similar details in the door frames and window moldings and that's what I want. A real old-fashioned Chicago home with gorgeous details built right into it. 

The design is sort of classic meets modern, which I'm not a huge fan of, especially since I think it makes this space look at little empty sometimes. Like it's missing pieces of furniture or art. However, I do think they did a great job keeping the style of the furniture matching the architecture of the house. 

 There are a few things I adore about this house though and this is one of them. I love enclosed porches when done right and this one has been turned into a little greenhouse. What could be better to walk into on a dreary winter day? Having this green sanctuary could only cheer you up with it's negative 30 degrees outside. Without wind chill.

 Indoor pools = awesome. Period. Always. No exceptions. But this one? Yea, it's pretty small and straight forward, but what a great idea to paint a sky and constellations on the ceiling? That's definitely one way to make this indoor pool feel enormous.

And the final touch, a straight walk to the lake with clear lakefront views. I want to go to here.

What details does your dream house have?


  1. What an amazing house. I didn't know it would be so expensive! The decor is a bit strange, but it works because it's consistent. Whenever I think dream house, I think huge windows and open spaces with a ton of abstract art.

    1. I love your dream house! It sounds a little like a museum which is definitely cool.
