
Friday, August 17, 2012

Photo Friday: Tiny Crafts

I have no idea why this is true, but it is: Ever since I was little I've loved miniatures. Regular sized things made tiny have just always fascinated me and I can't, to this day, figure out why. I've always loved all that tiny doll house furniture and when I was in France I made sure to stop by the miniatures museum in Lyon. Now THAT was some talent. Whole rooms were created in excruciating detail all in miniature form. I loved it!

At this age I think the fascination is the sheer mind blowing realization that making this tiny thing, whatever it may be, took tons of time, effort, and patience (that I don't nor will ever have). I saw this collection by Anastassia Elias a while ago, but I realized that I had yet to share it with you all. These are all amazing little worlds created on the inside of toilet paper rolls. She cuts these tiny layered scenes from paper that's the same color as the toilet paper roll and then carefully arranges them inside the tubes. The hope is to create and effect like the tiny world is coming up out of the roll and she does it masterfully.

Of course, all the photography to showcase her work is fantastic. I love the depth of field and the angles.

Of course when searching for miniature art online, one thing will lead to another and I also happened upon Diem Chau, who creates these amazing tiny sculptures by carving into pencil graphite and crayons. How gorgeous are these? Where you would put them or what you would do with one I have no idea, but they are definitely fun to look at all the details. Maybe they would make great conversations pieces sitting in a vase of marbles on a desk in an office or even in the living room?

Minitures: Love em or hate em?


  1. I love these!! I posted about Anastassia Elias a while back too! So incredible! And I love the crayon people!

    1. Oh cute! Share the link to your post!

    2. Sure thing!
      Here it is:

    3. p.s I've nominated you for a Liebster Award!
      see the post here:

  2. These are all so cute. I think that having miniatures on a table would work? Maybe hanging? I don't know. I would be afraid someone would throw them away or something stupid haha.

    1. Haha maybe put a sign on them: "Art. Do Not Throw Away."
