
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Design Trends from IKEA: Colored Floor revolution

I'm sure by now you're well aware that IKEA is jumping on the mid-century design bandwagon and releasing a whole line of mid-century inspired gems. Great. Awesome. Love it. Looks great. Except, when I was looking through the new IKEA collection there is only one thing that really, really stood out to me...

OMG ARE THOSE FLOORS BLUE?!? They are. Yep, those are some blue wood floors. What magical genius is this, you ask? I don't know, but I wish I did. You see, I currently have black floors in my apartment and I thought that and edgy. Not any more, my friends. IKEA has officially started the colored wood floor revolution. It's coming. Get ready and remember that you heard it here first (although Apartment Therapy already wrote a similar article and most of these images are stolen from here).

Since they are obviously pioneering this colored floor revolution, it was really hard to find any other good examples or inspiration, but I will keep to the hunt! In the meantime, here are some non-traditional flooring ideas that I liked while scouring the Internet. Still looking for that perfect teal wood floor though.

I don't know if I'm a huge fan of the pattern on top, especially when you're already making such a bold statement, but I do LOVE the yellow. I would definitely go yellow if I were redoing a room. Maybe not the whole apartment, but definitely a room.

It's quite the commitment, but it's no crazier than getting a whole room carpeted in a bright color or covering your floors in large bright colored rugs. I think it's fun!

If you were getting bright wood floors, what color would you do?

1 comment:

  1. Lime green floors! *wants* That's nice too, since certain colors can interfere with sleep if you have them as wall colors. This way they won't
