
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Interior Design: Rustic Summer Getaway

This is apparently a summer home, however, I would absolutely live here year-round. It's bright, it's cozy, and it's got some serious family style. I love it. It's in New York state, but I don't really care because even if winters get snowy, all the windows and skylights would make is so worth living there. Now that I mention it, how does one clean a skylight? Hmmm...questions for a different time in my life.

The outside of the home is relatively un assuming. I probably would never glance twice at it if it were listed, but the inside is really gorgeous.

This great big living room definitely has that summer house feel with the vintage style couch and the wood paneling. I remember once upon a time when I hated wood paneling. Thank the heavens for the real wood revolution.

I love all the wood, but it would feel too stuffy with it just kind of looking like a barn on the inside. I love that they brightened up the space with these great, vintage-style sections of wall paper. I do love me some good wall paper. If it wasn't so damn expensive and if I wasn't so damn scared of removing it, there would be some weird patterns on my walls.

Even just the white washed contrasting wall really brightens and modernizes the space.

I love all the trendy touches like the lamps above and all the ikat prints mixed in with these sort of vintage pieces. It definitely makes it feel put together and not gimicky like a lot of vacation homes end up looking.

Originally found on Desire to Inspire.

What do you think? Great for vacation or all the time? 

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